Wednesday 7 March 2007

Priceless Pleasures

Taking snaps of your sibling while he/she is asleep!! Later make fun of him/her in the Bhaiyyon aur Beheno mode…

Fighting over the TV remote, when you enjoy the same shows that the other person loves!! Well, sometimes ofcourse you prefer to watch utterly disappointing but still intriguing Kekta shows..

Waiting for that forever favoured Gandhi tata (Rs. 500/- note, in layman terms ;) )which my granddad gives once a year to buy new clothes!! Hmmm, I know what you’re thinking, but its in the gesture buddy!!

See your dad’s face light up when he’s told he is a genius…

The look on your mom’s face, when you stand for her cooking amongst the whole bunch of ladies ;)

Wait eagerly for the ajji koodulu guy who comes in the evenings….

The list of these simple pleasures in life can be never-ending. As we grow and the years pass like a smooth powerpoint presentation, we are so engrossed, many a times muddled, and yawn at life just like in a late noon presentation. Take a break. Sit back and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. They don’t come with expensive price tags. Nevertheless, they’re Priceless!!

PS: Hope u liked the read. Comment on what you hold priceless, I’d love to read what you think as well!! :)

Sunday 4 March 2007

Baduku Kanasinante

Familiarity breeds contempt: Really?

Not many would feign ignorance to this famous idiom. You could say, “How true!!” or shrug it off saying “Who cares!! I’ve never really thought about it!!”. If you’ve already thought about it let me think along with you again, or if you’ve just bumped into this penning and took interest on what I thought, let me think it for you. When it comes to this idiom I'm always ambiguous about its practicality. OK. Firstly, who am I to question a universally accepted long existed idiom as this? But, there’s nothing wrong in pondering over something that’s been on my mind as long as it has existed for me. Without further delay and beating around the bush, which I'm so famous for, will continue on the current purpose.

I will start by agreeing with this expression. I can come up with innumerable instances to support this. Tell me how many times you have liked this new found relative, who is so knowledgeable about literally everything under the sun. Oh! Yes, only until a few days after which you realized that he is too inquisitive, which in fact got to your nerves. Be it the organization for which you work, how much you earn, do you attend weekend parties with friends, etc. oh to top the list, the last nail in the coffin, you are already ** years old, there is a doctor, foreign returned, only son!!!! Ha ha… I don’t believe these people come up with such incentives!!! Yeah right!! Like we needed them. Hmm, back to the topic now. See, as I told you, a few days and a few new things you never knew earlier started to sting you. Another example, she waited for two years for his answer and maintained that she loved him and was his bestest friend (if there could be a word like it!!!). One fine day, this poor soul realized his love for her. Two weeks of coffee-day’s, multiplexes, Purple Haze, Nasa, Styx, the list would go on. Now the guy thinks, he was better off with his money in the pocket rather than the constant whining he has to listen to. The girl who waited two long years, finds it hard to wait for two long minutes, while he has a not so often, tête-à-tête over his cell phone. I’m sure you realize this is just the froth and underneath this froth, lies a whole mug of beer you will happily guzzle down.

Now I come to the most important part of my thoughts, i.e. to speak against the expression, “Familiarity breeds contempt”. I would surely like to speak against this. Why? Because I so love to!! In fact I would like it if we called it, Familiarity also breeds Liking. Now come on, think of this particular guy/girl in class during your graduation, whom you so loved to hate. Funny isn’t it? Yep, this specific oxymoron is one of my favorites. Now you will love to hate me for straying off the subject ;) sad joke, I know!! OK, where was I? Hmmm, reminding ourselves of that special person in class whom we loved to hate. She was so ugly, fat and always with unkempt hair. You shuddered at even thought of being associated with her. Or, she was such a snob; she never initiated a hello, NEVER. She acts like, a smile costs in GBP. How long did that last anyways? Oh, until one fine day, you both were destined to speak. Soon you were to realize, the very same fat, ugly girl had a humorous side to her. She had everyone in splits all the time. The snob you thought was never a snob; that was her guard for her insecurities as a person. The fat girl appeared no more fat, and the snob…. who snob? The very people we ‘loved to hate’, or sometimes ‘hated to love’, became an inseparable part of our lives. They say first impression is the best impression, but while making friends this doesn’t always seem to be true. People are never the same at all times. Nor are the impressions in our minds about the people we interact with. I’m sure you would agree with me if I said that each day you like your friends more for what they are. And what you want them to be, you keep giving them a piece of your mind. You realized long ago that they don’t need it. But still you love to give them ‘cos they’re your friends. In any case do you like them any less for what they are not? You overlook all their shortcomings. You accept them as they are. Now wouldn’t you rather say “Familiarity breeds Liking” ?

The Purpose

In the world full of bloggers, this day I create my first blog. It’s fair enough that I write a preface first. I don’t think I can say I’ve written before. Well, I’ve written, yes. But those were just my outpour in high dudgeon. I always liked to think myself as this Miss Goody-Two Shoes (ahem ahem…. in its original sense of course), who always was nice to people, so even if I was disturbed by someone or something I wouldn’t utter a word about it. The lava has to sometime vent out. This would invariably take form of words on a sheet of paper. Sometimes, two foolscap sheets!!! Only to be neatly shredded and dance their way later to the trash can. I never got to read any of those rumbling, raving and ranting and more often than not, the whining :). May be for good. Now I decided its high time I assorted the thoughts and do some good for myself. And it’s OK to be nasty sometimes, I think, rather than let people perceive you as someone whom you are not. Hey I assure this is not going to be a constant whining session :)

So here’s my two pence worth.